Soy optimista: los traductores e intérpretes trabajamos casi exclusivamente para empresas y las empresas suelen recurrir siempre a profesionales. Gracias por tu comentario. He añadido tu blog a mi lista (blogroll) para estar al tanto de tus actualizaciones. Saludos. Oscar
Well, I have read a lot about machine translation and even talked to people who work on developing automated translation processes, and I do think that massive translations (mainly for commercial purposes, like the ones used on the Internet) performed by computers are becoming real. But the most important point for us (the translators) is: the softwares are working with Translation Memories, and texts are being written exclusively for translation. So, an unique and unpublished text, regardless of subject which it deals with, will be always a hard stuff for the machines to translate.
So, there are some fields we could explore a little more. One of them, of course, is the literature -- and that's the one I'm trying to engage myself in.
(Sorry for the English message. Although I can read Spanish, I'm not able to write.)
2 comentarios:
Soy optimista: los traductores e intérpretes trabajamos casi exclusivamente para empresas y las empresas suelen recurrir siempre a profesionales.
Gracias por tu comentario. He añadido tu blog a mi lista (blogroll) para estar al tanto de tus actualizaciones.
Well, I have read a lot about machine translation and even talked to people who work on developing automated translation processes, and I do think that massive translations (mainly for commercial purposes, like the ones used on the Internet) performed by computers are becoming real. But the most important point for us (the translators) is: the softwares are working with Translation Memories, and texts are being written exclusively for translation. So, an unique and unpublished text, regardless of subject which it deals with, will be always a hard stuff for the machines to translate.
So, there are some fields we could explore a little more. One of them, of course, is the literature -- and that's the one I'm trying to engage myself in.
(Sorry for the English message. Although I can read Spanish, I'm not able to write.)
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